A dazzling smile can ignite a room and it projects strength, confidence, & beauty.

Dr. Hines and his team provide excellent dental care in a comfortable environment.

How Dental Sealants Work for Children

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Are you tired of fighting the war against cavities? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people look for ways to help their children fight this fight on cavities. That is why dental sealants are popular when it comes to protecting your child’s smile. Here at Hines Dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina, our team is dedicated to helping your smile achieve the best oral health care possible, and we are proud to talk to you about dental sealants and how they can work for you.

Dental sealants are designed to guard the back of your teeth called the molars. The molars in your smile are usually rough and have odd shapes and areas that are a popular place for cavities to develop and grow. This can make them difficult to keep your smile safe from tooth decay. Frankly, dental sealants are a clear protective surface painted onto the top of your molars, which can last years and protect your molars from any cavity invasion that may try to occur.

According to the American Dental Association, or the ADA, dental sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of cavities by 80 percent! This is important to note because this can help keep your child’s oral health and smile in excellent shape as they develop their smile into adulthood. Dental sealants can be used on adults as well but are most often found in young children.

If you have questions about dental sealants and would like to see if they are best for you, please call us right away at 704-366-3526 to set up an appointment with Dr. Drew Hines. Our professional dental staff is proud to assist your smile and help fight for your oral health.