Our dentist and team takes pride in offering advanced solutions for missing teeth, including dental implant restorations and implant-supported dentures. These state-of-the-art options provide not only a functional replacement for missing teeth but also restore the aesthetics of your smile and the natural feel of real teeth.

Understanding Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implant restorations involve placing a titanium post into the jawbone, which acts as a root for a prosthetic tooth. This is an excellent choice for those who have lost a single tooth or multiple teeth and are looking for a permanent solution. Dental implants are known for their durability and natural appearance. They can significantly improve your oral health by preserving jawbone structure and preventing the shifting of remaining teeth.

Implant-Supported Dentures: A Modern Twist on Traditional Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are a revolutionary alternative to traditional dentures. Unlike regular dentures that rest on the gums, these are anchored onto dental implants, providing exceptional stability and comfort. This option is ideal for individuals who have lost all or most of their teeth and are seeking a more secure and comfortable solution than conventional dentures.

The Process

The procedure for both dental implant restorations and implant-supported dentures in Charlotte, North Carolina, begins with a detailed assessment of your oral health. If you are a suitable candidate, the implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. After a healing period, during which the implants integrate with the bone, the final restoration or denture is attached to the implants.

Benefits of These Advanced Treatments

  • Improved appearance and confidence
  • Enhanced comfort and ease of speaking
  • Greater durability and stability than traditional dentures
  • Preservation of jawbone and facial structure
  • Ease of maintenance and oral hygiene

Restore Your Smile and Confidence

Whether you are considering dental implant restorations for individual teeth or implant-supported dentures for a complete smile makeover, our office is equipped to provide you with high-quality care. Contact Hines Dentistry today at 704-366-3526 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Drew Hines and discover how these innovative treatments can transform your smile and improve your quality of life.