At Hines Dentistry, we are delighted to offer porcelain dental inlays and onlays, a sophisticated and effective solution for restoring teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury. These restorative treatments strike the perfect balance between traditional fillings and crowns, providing a durable, aesthetic and less invasive alternative.

Understanding Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Porcelain inlays and onlays are custom-made to fit precisely into or onto a damaged tooth. An inlay is used when the damage is within the cusps of the tooth, while an onlay is more extensive, covering one or more cusps. These restorations are crafted from high-quality porcelain, ensuring a natural look that blends seamlessly with your existing teeth.

The Process of Fitting Inlays and Onlays

The procedure begins with a thorough examination of the affected tooth. The decayed or damaged area is then carefully removed, and an impression of the tooth is taken. This impression is used to create a custom inlay or onlay in a dental laboratory. On your next visit, the inlay or onlay is precisely fitted and bonded to your tooth, restoring its shape, strength and appearance.

Benefits of Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

  • Provide a stronger, more durable solution than regular fillings
  • Less invasive than crowns, preserving more of the natural tooth structure
  • Perfectly matched to the natural color of your teeth
  • Resist staining and discoloration over time
  • Restore and enhance the tooth’s function and appearance

Transform Your Smile With Advanced Dental Care

If you are looking for a high-quality solution to tooth decay or damage, consider porcelain dental inlays and onlays in Charlotte, North Carolina. Contact us today at 704-366-3526 to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Drew Hines.