A dazzling smile can ignite a room and it projects strength, confidence, & beauty.

Dr. Hines and his team provide excellent dental care in a comfortable environment.

Professional Teeth Whitening is a Great Way to Lighten Your Smile

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Deep stains on your smile can leave you feeling self-conscious. The depth and degree of the stains will influence the whitening method Drs. Hines and Hines recommend. If you’ve been unimpressed with the whitening products sold in stores, or if your teeth are deeply stained, he will likely recommend a dental bleaching treatment.

The potent whitening agents your dentists use represent the safest and most effective way to whiten the teeth in your smile.

At the start of the dental bleaching treatment, Drs. Hines and Hines will protect your gums with a special gel or a rubber dam. A small amount of concentrated bleaching gel will then be poured into trays that are inserted into your mouth. This gel will penetrate the pores on your tooth enamel and dissipate the stain particles.

The trays will need to be held in place for a few minutes. The total duration of the treatment will vary depending on the severity of your tooth stains. A special ultraviolet light might also be used to brighten your teeth further.

Contact our office today if you wish to know more about teeth whitening in Charlotte, North Carolina, and to schedule a visit. We look forward to helping you and your smile!